Key of Light Keepsakes
Pendants to carry your loved ones and keep them close to your Heart. Custom made cremation jewelery, hand cut gemstones, elegantly entwined in precious earth metals and infused with the Language of Light.

The Story
A few months ago, Kelly was contacted by a lovely lady who asked if he created pendants that could hold a loved ones ashes. Though it was something we had talked about before, it's not something we had put in motion. A few days later, he was contacted by someone very close who had just lost someone very dear and she asked him the very same question, could he create something beautiful and full of wonderful energy that could hold a part of her loved one close to her heart? Kelly began straight away to work with our stone carver, begibbibg the designing process. A few days later, another friend asked Kelly to create a special momento for his loved one. The Universe doesn't speak, it sings!

The First Pieces
We heard the message and are so delighted to show you these two first stunning pieces, Amazonite & Rose Quartz, which are very close to Kelly's heart. It was an honour for these to be his first for someone so dear.
These crystals are hand carved & created to hold the ashes of someone dear, they are wrapped with love & beautiful energy in precious metals, then infused & sealed with the highest vibration of healing & light.
If your special someone or beloved pet was not cremated, you can also use a small piece of hair or some sacred Earth from their graveside to creeate the perfect Keepsake piece in their memory.

Someone Special
What a way to keep a loved one close to your heart on the physical plane (we know they are always with you in Spirit & deep in your heart ) wrapped in amazing crystal healing energy & Light.
We give to you 'Key of Light Keepsakes'
A big thank you to those beautiful souls, a complete stranger, a family member & a friend, who brought the messages to us from the Universe to run with an idea that we weren't initially sure of, we are forever grateful.