Integrated Energy Therapy

What is Integrated Energy Therapy?
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is one of the next generation – hands on – power energy therapy systems that get the “issues out of your tissues” for good! Developed at the Center of Being, by Stevan J. Thayer, IET uses the violet angelic energy ray, as brought to us through the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, to work directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA. IET supports you in safely and gently releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helps you to reach for the stars as you evolve into your future.
What to expect during a session...
An I.E.T session is conducted very similarly to the other energy therapies, the only difference being that with I.E.T touch is necessary as this therapy works with certain pressure points in order to release and transfer energy to the specific areas of the body's cellular memory. The touch is very light, theraputic and non invasive. As with all the other therapies that we facilitate, the client lying fully clothed on a plinth usually under blankets for extra comfort and warmth depending on the clients preferences. The room will be energetically cleared before the client arrives and will be set to induce a relaxed feeling using incense, candles and soft relaxing music. Before the session we will discuss the process, how the energy works, what you should expect and any questions that you may have. During the session we will ask you to simply relax as much as possible and set an intention for what you would like to achieve during the session. The therapist will then begin to systematically direct the energy to the clients aura and body through light, non invasive touch. Most clients may fall asleep during their session and/or report falling into a state of deep relaxation. The session will last for one hour and afterwards we will discuss the session, what you experienced, anything that arose during the session, any energy blocks that came to light and the next steps for you to release these for good if not already done so during the session.
Types of sessions we offer
1:1 - This is a typical I.E.T session conducted with one I.E.T practitioner.
Double - This is conducted with both Starlit Therapies practitioners. The male and female energy helps to promote balance working on both the yin and yang energies. These sessions are typically about ten - fifteen minutes shorter as there is a double energy being facilitated.
Before your session...
Please ensure that you wear comfortable clothing to ensure you will be comfortable on the plinth.
For hygiene reasons we would ask that you wear socks or bring a pair to wear for the duration of the session.
We ask that you do not drink alcohol before your session and for 24 hours after your session to ensure that the energy can work to its maximum good in your system.
Please ensure you are on time and if for any reason you will be late please let us know as far in advance as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns in the lead up to your session day/time please feel free to contact us