Thriving in Today’s World

With Judy Satori and Anabell Ariah

Tuesday 30th May 2023 | 7 pm - 9 pm
Judy Satori will discuss the process of human evolutionary upgrade called Ascension and how this is affecting all of us in our lives. The focus of this session is for you to meet and talk with Judy and Anabell Ariah from the Ascension Library, to discuss your issues and gain support. Judy will transmit energy from Spirit to uplift you and open you to more of your authentic soul self. Outcomes: To feel and understand who you are on a soul level to better create an inspired, vital and beautiful life. You will come away feeling more heart open and powerful as the Divine Creator that you really are.


The event will run from 7pm to 8.30pm, Judy and Anabell will then be available to chat from 8.30 until 9pm

All are most Welcome to this event. No registration or ticket purchase required | Payment by Donation | No one will be turned away **Free for weekend event pass holders.

Please arrive before 6.50 pm.


No prior ticket purchase needed for this evening.


View the rest of the Ireland events

Sacred Circle Mentoring
Sacred Sites - The Heart of the Land Tour
Ascension & You - Becoming a More Evolved Human
Calling All Starseeds - Activate Your Soul's Destiny plan